Photo Credit: NYC Parks
Ferry Point Park
Environmental Planning & Management, Inc. (EPM) completed environmental soil sampling at Ferry Point Park in connection with the proposed improvements.
The purpose of the investigation was to determine if health and safety precautions are warranted during construction, and to determine excavated material disposal and reuse options.
Based on the results, soil excavated for construction was considered environmentally acceptable for onsite reuse with no restrictions.
Rehabilitation of West 33rd Street Viaduct
EPM performed inspections for the presence of asbestos containing materials, lead containing painted surfaces and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) caulks at the West 33rd Street Viaduct.
The inspections were requested in connection with the rehabilitation or replacement of the deck, superstructure and/or the substructure elements of the viaduct.
Pier 42 Structure
EPM performed inspections for the presence of asbestos containing materials (ACM), lead containing painted surfaces, suspect PCB containing caulks, and conducted an inventory of all universal/miscellaneous wastes at the pier shed located on Pier 42 at Marginal Street prior to demolition of the building.
Following the hazardous material inspections, EPM personnel prepared design documents including asbestos abatement specifications, lead paint abatement specifications, PCB caulk abatement specifications, and universal waste specifications.
Coler Hospital Mold Remediation
EPM provided environmental consulting services and project oversight for the mold remediation project in the crawl spaces of the ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ Buildings at Coler Hospital.
The scope of work consisted of the review of contractor submittals, project oversight during mold remediation activities, air monitoring to clear the areas for re-occupancy following mold remediation activities, and preparation of a final closure report.
Following mold remediation, EPM performed clearance air sampling.
Metropolitan Hospital Center Flood Mitigation System
EPM completed an environmental soil investigation as part of the design of flood mitigation measures at Metropolitan Hospital Center. Construction of the flood mitigation measures included excavation for installation of a perimeter flood barrier wall and onsite drainage improvements, including installation of underground storm water staging tanks.
This investigation was conducted to evaluate the environmental quality of soil and groundwater within the expected vertical and horizontal limits of excavation for the flood mitigation improvements.
Soil samples were collected from Geoprobe soil borings for laboratory analysis. EPM personnel also collected groundwater samples from several existing permanent groundwater monitoring wells located at the site.
EPM recommended that a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) and Construction Health and Safety Plan (CHASP) be prepared to establish proper procedures during construction of the flood mitigation measures for handling, testing, and disposal of contaminated soil and groundwater, and also to protect project workers and the public from possible exposure to contaminated materials during construction.
Lower Manhattan Coastal Resiliency
EPM performed a preliminary Hazardous Materials Screening Assessment of three adjacent waterfront sections (Battery Park City Area, Financial District Area, Two Bridges Area) in lower Manhattan, and also a series of Phase I Environmental Site Assessments within the Financial District Area.
EPM sought to determine whether the implementation of coastal protection measures (e.g., concrete float walls, deployable gates, drainage modifications, alteration of public spaces) in these vulnerable areas would cause hazardous material and/or environmental impacts during construction activity, which in turn may pose a risk to overall public health.
EPM prepared complete reports for each Phase I ESA, which presented findings and conclusions for environmental conditions, associated with each screening.
Build It Back Program
EPM performed a series of limited inspections for Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) at private residences damaged by Hurricane Sandy throughout New York City in conjunction with the residence’s participation in the New York City Economic Development Corporation’s Build-It-Back Program. Build-It-Back provided assistance to New York City property owners whose properties were damaged by the storm, including repair, rebuilding, and/or elevating storm damaged property (or reimbursing applicants for repair expenses).
As part of a multi-disciplinary team, EPM staff conducted asbestos inspections of areas and materials with the potential to be impacted by scheduled repairs associated with the BIB program, as identified by a damage assessor.
Approximately 477 homes were inspected within a three-month period. EPM completed and delivered reports for each inspection to the client within five days following the inspection. EPM also prepared ACP-5s for properties where asbestos-containing materials were not identified in the areas to be impacted by the scheduled renovations.
Goldwater Hospital
EPM provided environmental consultant services in support of the design and construction of the Goldwater North Hospital. Services included a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and a Phase II Subsurface Sampling Investigation. Based on these investigations, EPM prepared a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) and Construction Health and Safety Plan (CHASP) for the project.
An Environmental remediation engineer provided on-site inspection and air monitoring during remediation of contaminated soils and soil vapor, and to confirm Contractor compliance with the RAP and CHASP.
EPM provided a hazardous materials investigation in the existing hospital structure to quantify and locate material for abatement. EPM further provided abatement oversight at risk of impact from the construction of asbestos containing materials.
Willets Point Development
EPM completed Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Phase II Subsurface Sampling, and Hazardous Material Design Services for the Willets Point Infrastructure Improvements Project. Subsequent to NYCDEP approval of a Site Investigation Work Plan, EPM collected soil, groundwater, and soil gas samples for laboratory analysis.
EPM prepared specifications, notes, a Construction Health & Safety Plan, a Remedial Action Plan, and a cost estimate for hazardous material mitigation during construction of the Public Infrastructure Improvements portion of the project.
For three consecutive years, Work Zone Air Monitoring of VOC vapors, methane and airborne particulates took place at the 13 acre development site.
MTA Paratransit Facility Site
EPM provided environmental consultant services in support of the design and construction of the proposed MTA Paratransit Training Facility in the Bronx. This included a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and a Phase II Subsurface Sampling Investigation for CEQR review. Based on the findings, EPM prepared a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) and Construction Health and Safety Plan (CHASP).
Environmental remediation design included a sub-slab depressurization system beneath the proposed building to vent hazardous soil gases, and construction of an engineered soil cap to prevent exposure to contaminated soils.
The site was subsequently entered into the NYSDEC Inactive Hazardous Waste Site Program under a Consent Order to continue the investigation of site conditions. EPM performed a supplemental subsurface environmental investigation in response to the Consent Order.