US national park service
For various sites along the Eastern US, EPM has performed hazardous materials investigations, prepared remediation design documents and assessed other Consultant work.
Assignments have included:
Hamilton Grange National Memorial Site, New York, NY
EPM conducted a hazardous materials survey impacted by the removal of several structural components prior to the relocation of the building, prepared a stand-alone remediation bid set and oversaw the abatement.
Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historical Site, New York, NY
EPM conducted hazardous materials survey for proposed HVAC, Fire safety, Electrical system, and ADA compliance upgrades.
Fort Hancock: The Battery Mortar and Batteries Potter and Gunnison, Sandy Hook, NJ
EPM reviewed prior investigation files, conducted its own hazardous material survey, prepared a technical memorandum, remediation design documents and cost estimates.
Floyd Bennett Field Pump Stations LS 60 and LS 75, Brooklyn, NY
EPM performed limited inspections for the presence of asbestos containing materials (ACM) and lead containing materials (LCM) as part of the Sewer Rehabilitation at Floyd Bennett Field.