International Arrivals Terminal
EPM conducted the lead/asbestos investigation and remediation design in connection with the demolition of the former International Arrivals Terminal Building #4. The in-depth investigation resulted in the collection of 6,000 asbestos and 500 lead samples from the 2.2 million square foot Terminal #4 building, a 400,000 SF crawl space, jet bridges, parking lots, roadways, air side tarmacs, underground utilities (duct banks, hydrant jet fueling lines, chilled water lines, gas lines, and high and medium temperature water lines).
EPM prepared a multi-phased (100+) abatement design of the site which included abatement associated with utility relocations, underground utility abandonment, spot abatement and relocation of utilities which were impacted by foundations for the new building and elevated roadways, new utility lines, grading and drainage.
EPM provided abatement oversight for the entire terminal and also prepared bid schedules, cost estimates, evaluated Contractor qualifications and bids, reviewed and evaluated Contractor’s work plans for asbestos and lead remediation and health and safety plans.
Christopher Street Substation
EPM performed a hazardous material investigation for the Christopher Street Substation No. 1 electrical upgrade project, to identify the location and quantity of asbestos, lead and Universal Waste materials that could be impacted by modifications to the building from the upgrade of the electrical system.
The visual investigation of the 5 story building on a 6,600 square foot lot was followed by the review of historic documents, records, and previous investigations. A report which summarized data collection techniques, analysis procedures, and location and quantity all hazardous materials was prepared.
As a result of excavations made to access utility services in the vicinity of the project site, EPM performed a limited environmental site and soil assessment to determine if the subsurface soil or groundwater at the project site contained contamination of any type.
EPM subsequently prepared remediation design documents consisting of plans and drawings.
Goethals Bridge
EPM as a sub-consultant is providing environmental compliance management and monitoring services on an as-needed basis for the elimination of hazardous materials during construction associated with the Goethals Bridge Replacement project.
The scope of work to date includes:
- Performed quality assurance/quality control inspection during asbestos removal to ensure proper handling and disposal of asbestos and mixed waste stream (asbestos/hazardous) wastes generated during pre-demolition/abatement of several structures on the Elizabeth, New Jersey side of the structure.
- Providing environmental oversight services during excavation and disposal of contaminated soils displaced by the new pier foundation of the structure.
- Performing Storm Water Pollution Prevention Inspections (SWPP) at the site to ensure the Contractor is implementing the proper erosion controls as required by the Contract Specifications.
George Washington Bridge
EPM performed multiple surveys at the George Washington Bridge to identify materials containing asbestos and lead, plus Universal Wastes, all of which may be impacted by the replacement of the suspender cables and rehabilitation of main cables and cable strands.
The areas inspected that could be impacted by anticipated work were the Lower Roadway Suspender Cable Sockets under both the North and South walkways, the New York and New Jersey Anchorage Main Cable Anchor Enclosures, the Main Cables, and the North and South walkway top surfaces.
In addition to asbestos and lead samples, EPM identified and catalogued fluorescent bulbs (considered Universal Waste) that would be impacted by the rehabilitation of the suspender ropes.
Remediation Design specifications were prepared for the proper handling, transport, and disposal of lead contaminated materials. When authorized, project design specifications for asbestos containing material and Universal Waste bulbs identified by this survey will be completed.