Build It Back Program

EPM as a sub-consultant, performed a series of limited inspections for Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) at private residences damaged by Hurricane Sandy throughout New York City in conjunction with the residence’s participation in the New York City Economic Development Corporation’s Build-It-Back Program. Build-It-Back provided assistance to New York City property owners whose properties were damaged by the storm, including repair, rebuilding, and/or elevating storm damaged property (or reimbursing applicants for repair expenses). 

As part of a multi-disciplinary team, EPM staff conducted asbestos inspections of areas and materials with the potential to be impacted by scheduled repairs  associated with the BIB program, as identified by a damage assessor.

Approximately 477 homes were inspected within a three-month period. EPM completed and delivered reports for each inspection to the client within five days following the inspection. EPM also prepared ACP-5s for properties where asbestos-containing materials were not identified in the areas to be impacted by the scheduled renovations. 


Goldwater Hospital

 EPM provided environmental consultant services in support of the design and  construction of the Goldwater North Hospital. Services included:

· Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and a Phase II Subsurface Sampling   Investigation. Based on the findings of these investigations, EPM prepared a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) and Construction Health and Safety Plan (CHASP) for the project. 

  • Environmental remediation engineer to provide on-site inspection and air monitoring during remediation of contaminated soils and soil vapor and to confirm Contractor compliance with the RAP and CHASP.

  • Prepared a Remedial Closure Report.

  • Provided comprehensive hazardous materials investigation of existing hospital structure to quantify and locate material for abatement.

  • Provided abatement oversight services and air monitor for the removal of asbestos containing materials at the main roof, exterior wall cavities, and foundation wall of the existing hospital structure.


Willets Point Development

EPM completed Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Phase II Subsurface Sampling, and Hazardous Material Design Services for the Willets Point   Infrastructure Improvements Project. 

Subsequent to NYCDEP approval of a Site Investigation Work Plan, EPM collected soil, groundwater, and soil gas samples for laboratory analysis.  A Phase II Investigation Findings Report was prepared for submission to NYCDEP. 

EPM then prepared specifications, notes and a cost estimate for hazardous  material mitigation during construction of the Public Infrastructure  Improvements portion of the project.  The design services included preparation of a Construction Health and Safety Plan and Remedial Action Plan for use by the Contractor during construction. 

For three consecutive years, Work Zone Air Monitoring services of VOC vapors, explosive vapors such as methane and airborne particulates was provided during project construction at the 13 acre development site.


MTA Paratransit Facility Site

EPM provided environmental consultant services in support of the design and   construction of the proposed MTA Paratransit Training Facility in the Bronx Services included:

  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment followed by a Phase II Subsurface Sampling Investigation for CEQR review. Based on the findings of these investigations, EPM prepared a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) and Construction Health and Safety Plan (CHASP) for the project.

  • Environmental remediation design included a sub-slab depressurization system beneath the proposed building to vent hazardous soil gases, and construction of an engineered soil cap to prevent exposure to contaminated soils.

  • The site was subsequently entered into the NYSDEC Inactive Hazardous Waste Site Program under a Consent Order to continue the investigation of site conditions. EPM is currently performing a supplemental subsurface environmental investigation in response to the Consent Order.