New Croton Aqueduct
EPM as an environmental sub-consultant provided Construction Inspection Services for the Rehabilitation and Restoration of the New Croton Aqueduct. The project involved the removal of contaminated sediments/soils, including heavy metals, petroleum and solvents, the abatement of asbestos containing materials, and lead paint removal. The work areas involved surface areas, surface structures and underground structures (shafts and tunnels).
EPM performed environmental monitoring and oversight services during the excavation, stock-piling, transport and disposal of contaminated sediments/ soils, as well as hazardous and non-hazardous contaminated and industrial waste materials; impacts to groundwater and dewatering activities; stormwater runoff; dust control; and removal/handling of asbestos and lead containing materials.
EPM provided weekly reports regarding monitoring, sampling, and disposal activities of all hazardous materials, reviewed asbestos and lead health and safety and air monitoring programs, and prepared final reports summarizing all findings and recommendations for each Construction contract.
Newtown Creek
EPM conducted Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), and prepared hazardous material abatement design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for the Newtown Creek Drainage Area improvements at four Outfall locations under NYCDEP.
The Phase I ESAs identified the potential of hazardous materials within the project limits. EPM then conducted Phase II environmental sampling and confirmed the presence of hazardous materials. Afterwards, design specifications, notes and cost estimates were prepared for the proper handling and disposal of the hazardous materials to be encountered during construction to improve the combined sewer outflow systems with the addition of bending weirs and floatable control technologies.
EPM was also tasked to prepare a Construction Health and Safety Plan (CHASP) and a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for use during construction by the Contractor to ensure proper handling and disposal of the material, and establish project specific protocols to protect workers and the community from exposure during construction.