Term Asbestos and Lead
Since 2000, EPM has been continuously awarded 3 year term contracts with MTA Bridges and Tunnels and has participated on 115 assignments to date. The primary services include lead and asbestos investigation, remediation design, and abatement oversight. EPM has worked at every one of the nine MTA Bridges and Tunnels facilities.
Investigation, remediation design, and abatement oversight assignments have included:
Verrazano Service building and Toll Booth Canopies roofs replacement
Tunnel Ventilation Buildings–Metal and PCB contaminated dust remediation
Brooklyn Battery Tunnel and Tri-borough Bridge toll booths demolition
Queens Midtown Tunnel—various service and administration rooms, HVAC ventilation and associated tunnel lighting work
Most notably, EPM prepared System Wide Blanket Variances for the abatement of all non-friable materials; one for exterior projects and another for interior projects.
Architectural On-Call
EPM has been awarded various on call contracts with many architectural firms. The general scope of work is to provide environmental inspection, monitoring, support services, and inspection services during lead and asbestos removal/abatement on an as-needed basis.
Some projects assigned include:
Cleaning, painting and lead removal for the Throgs Neck Bridge Dehumidification System for Main Cable Splays and Elimination of Water Infiltration into Anchorage Value Engineering Workshop.
Remediation design documents and oversight for the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel Rehabilitation of the Tunnel Walls, Roadways, Drainage, Ceiling and Fire Line.
Lead and asbestos oversight for Service Building Alterations at the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel.
Comprehensive investigation of hazardous materials to be impacted by the installation of rotating prism signs on Toll Booth Canopies at four facilities.
Verrazano-Narrows Bridge
EPM has provided environmental monitoring and construction inspection services on several projects at the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge including cleaning and painting of the Lower Towers project, below the road surface.
The scope of work included monitoring the disturbance, removal, storage and disposal of lead containing paint, and other materials containing lead, PCBs and other heavy metals, all located on the exterior and interior of the lower tower legs and struts.
EPM's monitored the containment during the course of the blasting, provided high volume air monitoring (PM-10, TSP, TSP-Lead), visible emissions monitoring, and regulated area monitoring.
In addition to ensuring proper removal and collection of the hazardous materials in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, EPM also tracked their testing, classification, storage, transportation off-site, and disposal.
Throgs Neck Bridge
EPM provided lead abatement oversight for the Interim Repairs at Throgs Neck Bridge Bronx orthotropic steel deck approach spans. This project also included monitoring localized paint removal at the Queens approach.
During abrasive blasting of lead based coatings, EPM’s key tasks included visible emissions assessments, high volume air sampling for TSP-Lead (Total Suspended Particulates), and Particulate Matter (PM-10), and regular inspections of hazardous waste storage areas. Paint surface cleaning required an SP-10 surface preparation and a Class 1A containment, per SSPC guidelines.
EPM also set up several monitoring stations in the general area to measure ambient noise levels during blasting to verify the effectiveness of an alternative noise mitigation plan, in response to concern by the general public.
Our ECR (Environmental Compliance Representative) periodically reviewed the contractor’s adherence to approved health and safety plans, air monitoring, site specific environmental regulations, and assessment results from lead disturbance activity with on-site consultant staff.